This Committee shall foster diversity within our member companies; help our member firms encourage minority and woman employment while meeting legal and risk management requirements; and assist in the development of an educational and support infrastructure to encourage minority and woman careers in STEM fields.
Tawn Nugent - TREKK Design Group, LLC (Co-Chair)
Scott Perkins - Prairie Engineers, P.C. (Co-Chair)
Abe Adewale - ABNA Engineering, Inc.
Tricia Bohler - Civil Design, Inc.
Colleen Connor - GBA, Inc.
Kelley Davis - Lochmueller Group
Bruce Dawson - GREDELL Engineering Resources, Inc.
Buddy Desai - Hg Consult, Inc.
Darrell Eilers - EFK Moen, LLC
David Ford - Walter P Moore
Shari Frank - TranSystems
Tirzah Gregory - HNTB Corporation
Earl Harrison - Hg Consult, Inc.
Vicki LaRose - Civil Design, Inc.
Brad Loomis - Tepa Engineering Services
Marjorie Melton - M3 Engineering Group PC
Linda Moen - EFK Moen, LLC
Kimberly Robinett - TREKK Design Group, LLC
Anne Schroer - TREKK Design Group, LLC
Vernal Stewart - SE3, LLC
Jess Terri - KimHEC LLC
Lorenzo Thompson - Thompson Civil, LLC
Barbara Wells - CDM Smith
Mike Wild - Burns & McDonnell
Srinu Yanamanamanda – CBB
Pouya Yousefzadehfard – Garver
- ACEC/MO Member Firms with Diversity Certifications Brochure
- ACEC/MO Diversity Committee Position Paper
Colette Holt & Associates was retained by the State of Missouri Office of Administration (“OA”) to perform a study of possible disparities in access to state prime contracting and associated subcontracting opportunities on contracts awarded between July 2007 and June 2013 on the basis of race and gender. They explored whether Minority-Owned Business Enterprises (“MBEs”) and WomanOwned Business Enterprises (“WBEs”), collectively, “M/WBEs”, have equal access to state contracts, and if not, what remedies might be appropriate to redress the barriers created by race or gender discrimination.
- Click on this link for results of the 2014 Disparity Study.